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Please keep your nickname between 3 to 18 characters.
Your email will be used to verify your identity. This field is case-SENSITIVE!
Please keep your password between 6 to 16 characters.
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Please enter your password again.
Enter the characters you saw.
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Click to download binary content
Send Message / Reply
Target Nickname
Received message
Content to be sent
Please keep the message content in 1000 characters
Local AI Config
Local AI allow program on your own computer to make decisions for you, and may be used to test various experimental algorithms. Please check
Local AI on wiki
for usage, sample and other information.
Please click Submit button before using this feature. This feature is only allowed to use by users achieving level 6 or further
, and still in development. In case of problems, feel free to send us feedback.
AI Connection Secret
This key is used to prevent other users from kicking your AI, and is part of the URL below. Please keep it in 10 characters.
Connection URL
This is the URL for Local AI. Please send HTTP GET request with specific headers to this URL.
Connection State
Modify your account
You may upload a square picture as your avatar.
Please keep your nickname between 3 to 18 characters.
Original password
Type in your old password to check your identity.
New password
Please keep your password between 6 to 16 characters.
Confirm password
Please enter your password again.
Welcome to download all matches from Botzone.
Matches are packed according to game and month. Each line of file is a JSON indicating a finished match.
If you encountered a 404, it's due to the specified game not being available at that time.
Download Match Dataset
Format: Year-Month. You may specify a month between 2014-05-06 and last month.
Citation / 引用:
Welcome to Botzone!
There're plenty of games on Botzone,
click 'GAMES' on the navigation bar
to find out how to play and rules.
Sample programs on rules page are your best starter codes.
The ranklists of each game are also presented here.
You may start a human match or test your program by
'Create Gametable' on homepage
You may also join in gametable of others or view latest matches.
When you are ready to submit your code, please
click on 'My Bots' on the navigation bar
We implemented a sample version control system, where you may submit your modification by 'Add a new Version'.
You can opt your bot in the ranklist too.
If you feel confident about your program, it's high time you
click on 'GROUPS' on the navigation bar
to join in some group holding contests.
Finally, if you still feel unfamilar to the usage or curious about how this site works,
click on 'Wiki' on the navigation bar
to view our wiki, or contact us by botzone[at]126.com.
If you wish to review this guide, please click the gray question mark on the lower right corner in any page.
Happy coding!